ProTec ® XS 4.3 Attaching ballast to the mobile scaffold tower Mobile scaffold towers have to be weighed down by placing ballast weights on top of the base rails to ensure the tower‘s stability. Please refer to the corresponding table in the table section starting on page 130 for the number of ballast weights to be used, which depends on the height of the mobile scaffold tower. 4.4 After assembly or modification of the mobile scaffold tower‘s configuration The tower has to be fitted with a sign that is visible from the ground and contains the following minimum information: – Name and contact details of the person in charge of the site – Whether or not the mobile scaffold tower is ready for use or not – The load class and maximum distributed load – Whether the mobile scaffold tower is only designed for use in closed indoor spaces – The date the tower was erected 5. Disassembling the mobile scaffold tower The mobile scaffold tower has to be disassembled in reverse order of the relevant assembly instructions. 6. Inspection, care and maintenance All of the tower‘s parts must be checked for damage before setting it up and any damaged parts must be replaced. Damaged parts must only be repaired by the manufacturer. Only use original spare parts. Visually inspect the tower to make sure that all of the welds and other materials are free from cracks, and that none of the parts are bent or dented. Make sure that parts such as locks, spindles, castors etc. are in proper working order. The following components always have to be checked every time before assembling the tower: – Vertical frame and base sections with castors: check for deformations, dents and cracks – Diagonal braces and guardrails: check for deformation, dents, cracks and whether the locks work – Working platforms: check for deformation, dents, cracks and whether the locks work – Hatch: make sure hatch works – Toe boards: condition of wood, cracks – Swivel castors: castors’ ease of movement and brakes’ effectiveness in stopping the castors from rolling and rotating. – In adjustable castors, check the spindles’ ease of movement. Check safety locks (locking pins, wing screws) on the vertical frame and base sections with castors – Retainers: check for deformation, dents, cracks and secure fit – The tower‘s components have to be stored in such a way that they cannot become damaged. – The individual parts have to be stored lying down and protected from weather. – Components have to be positioned and protected in such a way during transport that they cannot become damaged. – The tower components can be cleaned using water and conventional cleaning agents. Any paints spilled on the components can be removed with white spirit. 14
ProTec ® XS HU Tartalomjegyzék 1. Általános tudnivalók......................................................................................... 16 1.1 Az üzemeltető felelősségi köre...................................................................... 16 1.2 Gyártó........................................................................................................... 16 1.3 Érvényes szabványok, típusjóváhagyás......................................................... 16 1.4 Garancia....................................................................................................... 16 1.5 Szerzői- és tulajdonjogok.............................................................................. 17 1.6 Kiadási dátum............................................................................................... 17 2. Termékadatok................................................................................................... 17 2.1 Rendeltetésszerű használat.......................................................................... 17 2.2 Nem rendeltetésszerű használat................................................................... 17 3. Biztonsági előírások......................................................................................... 17 3.1 Érvényes utasítások...................................................................................... 17 3.2 Biztonsági előírások a felépítéshez és használathoz ..................................... 18 3.3 Biztonsági előírások a guruló munkaállvány elmozdításához ........................ 18 3.4 A működési hely ellenőrzése a gurulóállvány (guruló munkállvány) felépítése előtt, elmozdítása vagy átépítése után........................................................... 19 3.5 Szükséges szerszám..................................................................................... 19 4. Felépítés ........................................................................................................... 19 4.1 Általános tudnivalók...................................................................................... 19 4.2 Stabilizáló készlet összeszerelése ................................................................ 19 4.3 A gurulóállvány (guruló munkaállvány) stabilizálása...................................... 19 4.4 A gurulóállvány (guruló munkaállvány) felépítése vagy módosítása után........ 20 5. A guruló munkaállvány szétszerelése............................................................. 20 6. Ellenőrzés, ápolás és karbantartás.................................................................. 20 7. Modell áttekintés............................................................................................ 103 8. Alkatrészek..................................................................................................... 107 9. Alkatrészjegyzékek......................................................................................... 111 10. Gyülekezési területek..................................................................................... 113 11. Munkalépések (táblázat)................................................................................ 115 12. A különböző állványok felépítményeinek rajzai............................................ 116 13. Ballasztozás részletei..................................................................................... 130 14. Tartozékok .......................................................................................................132 Műszaki változtatások, nyomtatási hibák és tévedések fenntartva. • EXTRÁK és munkaeszközök nem tartoznak a szállítási terjedelembe! Nem vállaljuk a felelősséget a szakszerűtlen kezelésért. • Csak eredeti KRAUSE-alkatrészeket lehet használni.
ProTec ® XS - Površina na koju se
ProTec ® XS NO Innholdsfortegnelse
ProTec ® XS 1.5 Opphavs- og eiendo
ProTec ® XS 3.4 Kontroll av brukss
ProTec ® XS PT Índice remissivo 1
ProTec ® XS - Em caso de utilizaç
ProTec ® XS - Ferramentas e materi
ProTec ® XS RO Cuprins 1. Generali
ProTec ® XS 1.5 Drepturi de autor
ProTec ® XS - Este interzisă depl
ProTec ® XS RS ME Sadržaj 1. Opš
ProTec ® XS 1.5 Autorska prava i p
ProTec ® XS - Zabranjeno je pomera
ProTec ® XS SI Vsebinsko kazalo 1.
ProTec ® XS 1.5 Avtorske in zašč
ProTec ® XS 3.4 Preverjanje kraja
ProTec ® XS SK Obsah 1. Všeobecne
ProTec ® XS 1.5 Autorské a ochran
ProTec ® XS - Pri posúvaní sa ne
ProTec ® XS 7. Art.-No. 942104 Art
ProTec ® XS Art.-No. 942166 Art.-N
ProTec ® XS 8. Art.-No. 915009 Art
ProTec ® XS 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 10
ProTec ® XS 9. Art.-No. 942104 942
ProTec ® XS 10. 2000 mm 1620 mm 35
ProTec ® XS 4.1 1. 2a. 2b. 3. 4. 5
ProTec ® XS 2a. 2a. 114 115 2 x Ar
ProTec ® XS 5a. 114 115 3,80 m; 5,
ProTec ® XS 6a. 114 115 3,80 m; 5,
ProTec ® XS 7. 7. 114 115 2 x Art.
ProTec ® XS 8b. 114 115 4,80 m; 6,
ProTec ® XS 10. 114 115 10. 13. !
ProTec ® XS 12. 114 115 12. 129
ProTec ® XS A C D B C A B C A D B
ProTec ® XS
ProTec ® XS